
Our company has established the following policies regarding service quality and the environment, in order to contribute to enriching the social environment by responding to the needs of our valued customers and ensuring the provision of products and services, as well as expanding our environmentally friendly business activities.

01Improvement of customer satisfaction
We will accurately identify customer needs and expectations, and establish and implement a quality and environmental management system to improve customer satisfaction.
02Establishment and continuous improvement of the quality assurance system
In order to conform to customer requirements, prevent pollution, and continuously improve the effectiveness of our quality and environmental management system, we will establish quality and environmental targets, and in all processes, we will implement a cycle of management to constantly improve our operations, product quality and environmental performance, and provide products and services with added value.
03Involvement of the entire organization and improvement of operational quality
In order to ensure compliance with the quality and environmental management system regulations, all Asue employees will be made aware of the purpose and importance of their activities, with the aim of improving the quality of our operations.
04Compliance with environmental laws and regulations
We will comply with environmental laws and regulations as well as other requirements in the promotion of our business activities.
05Development of trusted corporate activities
In promoting our business activities, we will contribute to the reduction of global environmental burdens by taking the following into consideration:
  • Providing society with environmentally friendly products
  • Reducing waste through reuse and recycling
  • Promoting resource saving and energy conservation
  • Sharing information with manufacturers and customers to reduce global environmental burdens
  • Thoroughly implementing environmental management activities by clarifying and maintaining systems and responsibilities
  • Promoting awareness-raising activities>
06Publicization and dissemination of our quality and environmental policy
Our quality and environmental policy will be made known to all people working for or on behalf of our organization, and will also be made available to the general public.
Revised on June 1, 2024
Shoji Amo

Asue Co., Ltd. has obtained ISO 9001 [quality management system] and ISO 14001 [environmental management system] certification, international standards issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), at all of its domestic bases.