

We seek, find, and mobilize new value into the future.

We are a trading company that connects people and merchandise,
Japan and the world, and the present to the future.

We listen closely to the issues facing businesses and society,
and with our enterprising spirit to be pioneers at the forefront of the times,
as well as creative, flexible thinking,
we will create innovative solutions for a better tomorrow.

When business evolves, when society evolves, we will be there.

Behavior charter

In order to realize our corporate philosophy, we have established the "Charter of Behavior" as a fundamental set of actions that we, as a company, and each and every one of our executives and employees, should take.

Basic Stance

In conducting our business activities and operations, we will comply with laws, regulations, international rules, and internal rules, and will take responsible actions in accordance with social norms and corporate ethics.

Matters to be observed

Fair competition and proper business transactions
  • We will comply with competition laws and regulations, and ensure proper transactions.
  • We will not engage in bribery, corruption, or the appearance of bribery or corruption with public officials or other similar persons or business partners.
  • We will comply with all treaties, laws, regulations, and internal rules related to trade, and will follow the necessary procedures.
  • We understand the importance of intellectual property, and will strive to protect the company's rights and respect the intellectual property of others.
Respect for Human Rights
  • We respect the fundamental human rights, individuality, privacy and diversity of individuals.
  • We do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, nationality, origin, mental or physical disability, or any other personal characteristics.
  • We will not engage in child labor or forced labor that may lead to human rights violations. We will also cooperate with our business partners to ensure that they are not complicit in human rights violations.
Improvement of Workplace Environment
  • We will strive to realize a work style that enhances the abilities of our executives and employees and respects diversity, individuality, and personality.
  • We will create a healthy and productive work environment by fostering a cheerful and open organizational climate that does not tolerate any harassment.
Information Security
  • We will strictly manage confidential information related to the company's business, as well as confidential information disclosed by third parties, and will not leak or divulge such information outside the company, nor use it for purposes other than those originally intended.
  • We will handle personal information appropriately in accordance with laws, regulations, and internal rules.
Social Responsibility
  • In order to resolve social issues through our corporate activities, we will strive to ensure and improve the quality of our products and services, protect the environment, and contribute to the development of local communities in accordance with our Sustainabiliity Basic policy and Quality/Environmental Policy.
Stance toward Anti-Social Forces
  • We will not have any relationship with antisocial forces and will not accept any unreasonable demands.
  • We will not intentionally engage in terrorist acts, money laundering, or other organized crimes, and will take sufficient care not to be used for such crimes in the course of our business transactions.
Problem Reporting
  • When an executive or employee becomes aware of a violation of laws, regulations, or internal rules, he or she should consult with or report it to his or her superior, the relevant department within the company, or the reporting desk.
  • The company will respond appropriately to the consultation or report, investigate the facts, and take necessary remedial measures.
  • No disadvantageous treatment will be given to the person who consulted, reported, or cooperated in the investigation, on the grounds of consultation, report, or cooperation in the investigation.